CORVID-19 is still here and you are asked to be safe whilst out in the North West of Scotland. Current restrictions have been relaxed recently. Even so, please do not go out in the area if you are showing signs of Corvid-19. When out paddling or hillwalking make sure you give people space - 1m at least and preferable 2m. Remember that if it feels too crowded then you can walk away and try somewhere else; the environment will still be there tomorrow. Also remember the emergency services, the RNLI and the MRT. They will come out to rescue you but they should not have to put themselves into danger from this virus.

Take Care Out There.


Suilven [NC154183, 731]
OS map : 15
start : Lochinver
gridref : NC094224
summary : Lochinver - Suilven - Lochinver
distance : 21.0km.
ascent : 950m.
time taken : 8hr. 0min.

Suilven is one of the most memorable hills in the UK. The view of this hill is unmistakeable as it grows straight up form the surrounding area. The view of the rounded dome from Lochinver is stunning, and from further west the hill looks no less impressive, but different. When asked about their favourite hill in the UK many will answer Suilven. All these achalades for a hill that is relativly low 731m. The route to Suilven is long, as it lies in a remote corner of the north west of Scotland. The initial way is along a stalkers path, then straight up the hillside to the summit. the views from the top are magnificent. There is no other word to use.

There is ample parking in Lochinver including a car park and space along the shoreline. There is some parking at the end of the minor road at NC108220 but in summer these spaces are full.

From Lochinver follow the minor road, and then the private road east out of the village, eventually getting to Glencanisp Lodge. This is an impressive building. From here the road stops and the walker follows the stalkers path. This is a good path to follow as much of the land around can be wet. These stalkers knew a thing or two about where to walk. The path continues to the junction just south of Suileg. Take the right branch to continue on your way to eventually reach a footbridge, and then continue further onto a second footbridge. This is a long way. From the footbridge look south west to view the hill. The route does directly to the low point on the ridge. The first part is over some boggy ground. There is a path on the ground but this is of a lesser quality than the stalkers path the route is just leaving. Leave the stalkers path and make a way over the wet lower ground to climb directly to the col, the low point on Suilven ridge. The final slopes are steep, nothing serous, but steep. The moment you get to the col there is a fantastic view over to the west, showing the hills and sea of the north west to it's best. From the col turn right and climb to the top of the dome on a better path. The top is flattish and marks the true summit pf the hill. It is worth sitting here a while looking south east down the main ridge of Suilven. (10.5kms. 850m. 4hrs. 50min.)

The long way back by the same route. Not too bad as this is a great area to be in. Descend to the col and then left down the steep slopes to the flatter lower ground. Cross this avoiding the worst of the wet ground to reach the stalkers path. This is then followed back to Lochinver. (10.5kms. 100m. 3hrs. 20min.)